Friday, July 5, 2013

It's almost time!

In 24 hours we will be in Iceland!  It has been a very busy past couple of weeks -- moving out, moving on, and catching up with friends and family.  Thank you to all who have made these past days possible -- we so appreciate all the help and hospitality that we have been fortunate to receive. =)

In a nutshell, in the past week we moved out of our house in Pittsburgh and our fantastic renters have moved in.  We made the first big stop on the grand world tour -- shout out to Cincinnati and our fantastic friends there -- Steve, Laura, and the Bukos!  It was wonderful to catch up.  We then headed to Madison with our kitty cat, Pinot, in tow.  He did great in the car (surprisingly!), though he did try to help me pay a toll in Chicago.  Silly thing.  =)  Then it was on to Minneapolis for Matt's cousin's graduation where we got to catch up with many relatives.  Next was back to Madison for the remainder of the week and last minute trip preparations, the 4th of July and trying to help get Pinot settled.  We are now back in Minneapolis staying at a friends house for the night.  It's off to Iceland tomorrow!

Look for more posts and pics to come from our first adventures in these next couple of days, and keep in touch y'all!

See below for all of my worldly possessions.  =)

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